One of the many things I like about Kotlin is the good selection of primitives for functional programming. For example, the filterNotNull() method returns only those elements of a list, which are not equal to null.

// Kotlin

val numbers: List<Int?> = listOf(1, 2, null, 4)
val nonNullNumbers = numbers.filterNotNull()

println(nonNullNumbers) // [1, 2, 4]

This can easily be transferred to Typescript by declaring it as a method of the global Array<T> interface and defining the very simple implementation:

// Typescript

declare global {
  interface Array<T> {
    filterNotNull(): Array<NonNullable<T>>;

// implementation
Array.prototype.filterNotNull = function () {
  return this.filter((x) => x != null);

That’s all. Simply import this snippet into your code (I generally choose a place as global as possible, so it’s available everywhere) and you can now use it like:

const elements = [1, 2, null, 4];
const nonNullElements = elements.filterNotNull();
console.log(nonNullElements); // [1, 2, 4]

Having declared Array<NonNullable<T>> as the return type also tells Typescript that there won’t be any null elements left in the array, so you don’t have to perform null checks when working with the resulting elements.